Hello dear readers,
So I am now two months in to the new year and my promise to write weekly has been broken. I make no excuses for this. I went home for Reading Week and didn't feel like writing. I was busy with internship applications, school projects, and various other activities. I let those other things take priority over this blog, and I really should have been able to plan my life better to allow me to keep them all in my priority list.
So, two months in, I think it's time for a little reflection.
1) Review:All in all, my resolutions from January have all gone out the window. I haven't written here weekly. I haven't been following my healthy living guidelines, and I sort of came up with a new idea for my creative writing, but haven't really done anything with it. Fail.
2) Reflect: I think this failure has come from a lack of motivation, a lack of organization, and really, a personal struggle to come to terms with some of my weaknesses (aka: personal time management, chocolate, fear of failure).
3) Retool: All of these resolutions are still something I'd like to accomplish, and still believe I can accomplish. So I have to redefine success in an incremental sense. Take these things week by week instead of as an overbearing, intimidating goal.
4) Reorganize: How am I going to accomplish these things? First, on Sundays, I'm going to sit down and take 15 minutes to outline what I'd like to accomplish in that week. These goals will have to be realistic. For example, this Sunday I can't sit down and say I'm going to go to the gym 6 days a week, eat no chocolate, and write 10 pages of creative literature. I need to start small. I'll keep you up to date on what my weekly goals are, and please feel free to keep me to account and ask me where I am on my new journey.
So dear readers, this post was brought to you by a desire to be a little more self motivated, and, to be honest, a little selfish in using this blog as a tool to aid my own growth. Maybe this review will help some of you to reflect on the goals you've made for yourself. If being in a public policy program has taught me nothing else, good policy requires a method of evaluation that leads to change where change is needed. This was my evaluation of how my personal policy needed to change. Now that I have a new game plan, maybe I'll start seeing more change.
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