Happy Election Season!

We're in election mode now, dear readers. May 2nd will be the day we all head to the polls. While I am completely obsessed with elections, I understand that not everyone I know is. However, I hope that you will follow me for the next month or so as the campaign heats up and I plan to go beyond my civic duty. It's my duty to vote. I will be voting on May 2nd. I know who I will be voting for. What I hope to do with this blog is help you figure out who you'll be voting for. I'll be going beyond my civic duty in the sense that I hope to create an information source for you that examines the party platforms in an objective way so you're able to make your own decision.
First, start here:
Vote Compass
This is a great tool. It's a quick questionnaire that takes about five minutes to complete and will place your values on a spectrum in comparison to the party platforms of Canada's major parties.

If you're like me, however, I don't believe that tools like this one are perfect. There are intricacies in party platforms that are too complicated to fit into polls like this. So I'm going to try to post an entry on a different election issue three times a week until we go to the polls. My final post before the election will explain who I'm voting for and why. I hope that by the end of this little experiment, you will also be able to make a similar argument about who you'll be voting for.
So stay tuned! I'll kick the ball off tomorrow with a to be determined topic. As neither the Conservative Party of Canada or the Liberal Party of Canada have released their official platforms, and the New Democratic Party only has a bare-bones "first steps" platforms, I'll be taking a look at what they're saying on the campaign trail until more official documents are released.
Exciting times here in Canada! I hope you enjoy!
Cait this is great! I regret to say I have not been as informed as I should be, with my life revolving around the legislature and whatnot... Who knows! Maybe this will help me make up my mind! :)