Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nothing at all...

Hello all,

You know, I sat down to write my blog for the week and discovered I had nothing I really wanted to talk about. My mother asked me if I'd written this week's blog ( at least I know someone is reading me!) and I said I had one more day to think about it. That day is up and I really have nothing.

I like lists. I'm going with a sort of stream of consciousness thing today to get over my inability to think of something to write. So here's a list of things I don't have anything to say about:

1) I'm going home for reading week!

Wioo! I was torn. My wonderful parents offered me all sorts of choices. New York, Quebec City, Vancouver, Vegas. I narrowed it down to Vancouver and Edmonton. The only thing holding me up was the fact that in one place (Edmonton) is my brother and newly minted fiance, friends, home. In Vancouver would be my parents. It was such a hard decision. It shocks me how such a simple decision can make my life come to an utter and complete standstill. Life literally stopped for about two hours while I made my decision. But I'm going home. So Wioo! (And Mom is flying home so I'll see her. Unfortunately there will not be any father-daughter time :(

2) Internships

The next chapter of my life is about to begin. I've got to decide where I want to spend my summer internship. With the federal public service? The Toronto Board of Trade? The Martin Prosperity Institute? Applications open January 25th, so I'll keep you informed. In the mean time, it's time to start updating the ol' resume.


It's looking extremely wintery in Toronto today. Tons of snow, soft, white, fluffy. Makes it feel like home. Love it! I posted this photo to my facebook site. Unfortunately, I have no idea where this is (I StumbledUpon it), but I want to die on this bench in the middle of the winter.




  1. It is cold and snowy in Edmonton right now...not the pretty fluffy stuff. The accumulating, horrible stuff I'll have to shovel tomorrow! At least I won't have to go on the treadmill!
