Friday, January 28, 2011

What's In A Name?

"You don't look like a Caitlin."

It was suggested to me at a party this past weekend that my name did not appear to be my name. Cait seemed more appropriate, but still not quite right. We never got around to what they thought my name should be, but it made me think: "What's in a name?"

I've always like my name. It's unique. It's far more common than it used to be, however. In my two year master's program, there are three "Caitlin's" alone. All spelled the same way, which is unique in itself.

My mom, as the story goes, name me after a character found in the comics. "Katy Keene." She was a little bit before my time, but I've seen a comic here and there of her within my brother's extensive Archie comics collection.

My middle names come from my family predecessors. Emma from my father's side and Joyce from my mother's (a middle name which I share with her).

I've always enjoyed the flow of my name and worry that I'm going to eventually marry someone whose last name will throw everything out of whack. My mother assures me that the best choice is to retain my maiden name to avoid mounds of paperwork and future headaches.

I've always enjoyed what my name means. Where my brother's name references something that has no bearing in his life (Christopher means "Christ-bearer" and religion is not a subject that speaks to him.), my name, which may not entirely be descriptive, definitely represents an ideal I'd like to achieve.

Caitlin means "pure." It's a Gaelic/Irish form of K/Catherine. Emma means "universal" and is an old German name. Joyce means "joy" or "cheer." How lovely. "Pure universal joy." If there is a better ideal to live up to, I don't know it. My last name actually means "sheriff" or "leader" which I've always enjoyed. It gives me the sensation of power, even though I may not actually hold it.

So what's in a name?

What's in your names, dear readers?


1 comment:

  1. Cait!

    I love this post. I've always thought of names this way too: What on earth do our names really mean about us as people?

    My name is steeped in french Canadian history, until you get to the last name, which throws the whole thing off! First name - Jacqueline (I was named after my Grand-papa, Jacques. This, in itself is a tradition in my family. I also have a cousin Jacques - after my Grand-pa, and another cousin Clarie, after my Grand-ma.) I'm lucky though, because I don't like the traditional Jacqueline, I call myself Jacquie (which sounds better with the last name, I think.)

    My middle name is Marie (it seems as though every french Canadian child has either Joseph or Marie in their middle names. Well, at least every french Canadian child in my family does)and Claire (after my Grand-maman).

    Last name is Lycka. This is where my french Canadian traditional name looses it flow (try saying ti in french, haha!). But I've always liked the meaning - Lucky in Czech.

    I love this blog post! Thanks for allowing me to ramble on about my name! :)

    Miss you Cait Emma Joyce Schulz!

