Saturday, October 23, 2010

Too Long

Long time no see, dear readers,

I'm sorry for my absence. Busy life of a grad student/social butterfly has kept me away.

Too many things have happened since I last wrote for me to get them all in, so I think I may just start anew. I will mention some events that took place. Went to Ottawa and had a great time with my sisters. Had fantastic Thanksgivings with the McDiarmids, Hergets, and Sorochans. Met with a member of the school's staff to discuss my internship (I'm hoping for a job in Ottawa!). Went out for drinks with some classmates after Thursday's class, then went out for a friend's birthday on Friday night and had a fantastic time. Learned to bake cinnamon buns. Learned to make won ton wrappers. Had a great evening discussing governance and institutions, eating great Thai food, and drinking a multitude of martini's with another friend. Too much stuff!!!

Anyways, to start anew, I found a new app for my iPod Touch that is called "smidge." It's run by Pfizer and it's a 21-day good habit maker.  Today is day one. You're given 6 daily tasks/goals to do:
1) Drink more water
2) Take the stairs
3) Do a deep breathing exercise
4) Train your brain
5) Eat more fruits and veggies
6) Be positive

So everyday, for the next 21 days, I will be attempting to drink 11 cups (not glasses, cups) of water, eating 9 servings of fruits and veggies, taking the stairs up to my suite, doing a breathing exercise to relive stress, doing a brain teaser to challenge my brain and taking a picture that stimulate positive thinking.

Today's picture is supposed to be one of a close friend and I'm supposed to reminisce about good times together. Considering my closest friends are home in Alberta, I have gone through my old pictures on my computer and found thing one instead of taking a new one:

I took a cake decorating course with Amanda a few months back and this picture reminds me of how much fun we had. I miss everyone at home, but I'm happy that I'm doing what I love, and I'm positive they are doing what they love at home.

I'll leave you with a quote from a little book Mom got me called "Keep Calm and Carry On.":

I am an optimist. It doesn't seem too much use being anything else.  --- Winston Churchill

I promise I'll check in more often,


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