Saturday, September 25, 2010

A New Beginning

I've always liked the idea of having a blog.  I've even tried once or twice to sustain one, but always failed.  A few years back I regularly blogged about the Edmonton Oilers and hockey in general, but fell out of practice with the end of season.  I'm not sure why; maybe it was lack of interest on my part, maybe I never thought I had anything interesting to say, maybe it was a myriad of other things.  This time, however, I think I'm in the right place and the right time to acutally get something going.

Inspired by those around me who blog on a regular basis (Brittany in Edmonton and Daveberta), I've decided that the time is now to start a blog.  I've realized I can use a blog to host a wide range of my thoughts and I don't have to be bound to just one subject.  However, at the same time, I recognize the need for a common theme to bring people in and to let them know what this whole exercise is all about.  I don't have much, but this is what I have...

Mainly, this wil be the musings of an Albertan who has decided to finish her education (formal education anyways) in Toronto, Ontario, two provinces and almost 3,500 km away from Edmonton, Alberta.  I was once told that the only thing that unites Canadians is our mutual dislike of Toronto.  Personally, I rather like Toronto, and I always have (though that like does not extend to hockey teams).  It's extremely different from Edmonton, but I somehow feel at home here.

So, while that's the general idea of the blog, I have more specific topics in mind.  I hope this can be a way to keep my friends and family at home apprised of my activities here and to assure them that I have not dropped off the face of the known planet.  I'll often wander into the realm of politics and hockey (though Prime Minister Harper has proved that these two topics are not always mutually exclusive).  I'll also tread upon the ideas of healthy living (mixed, I hope, with a few recipes I discover, or create), and amusing (hopefully) anecdoes about my life and random events.

I do hope you enjoy my little adventure into blogging and I look forward to hearing your feedback and input on this little experiment of mine.

Sincerely yours,

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